Achieving Higher R-Values in Exterior Walls: A Guide for Homeowners

Achieving higher R-values in exterior walls is essential for better thermal performance. Adding more layers of insulation is the key to achieving a higher R-value, and foam sheet insulation is an easy and effective way to install insulation between wall posts and on top of existing insulation blankets. The R-value of insulation measures the resistance of the insulation to heat flow, with higher R-values providing greater strength and better material for insulating a house. In general, insulating materials with higher R-values cost more than those with lower R-values.

Our U. S.-patented premium foam insulation has an R-value of 5.1 per inch, which is 35% higher than any wall application with modernized posts. This makes it the highest on the market. For home improvement, R-values range from approximately R10 for some floor materials to R60 for dense attic insulation materials. For example, homeowners in parts of the southern United States can insulate their attics with materials that have R-values in the range of R30 to R60 and R13 to R19 for flats.

In many cases, adding blown, powdered, or aerosol foam insulation material to existing insulation will suffice to help the space meet the recommended R-value. When it comes to improving insulation in your home, it's important to do your research and understand the different types of insulation available and their respective R-values. This will help you make an informed decision about which type of insulation is best suited for your needs. Additionally, it's important to consider the cost of each type of insulation and how much you're willing to invest in order to achieve the desired level of thermal performance. When selecting an insulation material, it's important to consider its durability and longevity. Some materials may have a higher initial cost but may last longer than others.

It's also important to consider how easy it is to install each type of insulation material. Some materials may require professional installation while others can be installed by homeowners themselves. Finally, it's important to consider the environmental impact of each type of insulation material. Some materials may be more energy efficient than others or may be made from recycled materials.

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